About Us

Bloom Brats Botanical

Erica Rudd

Bloom Brats Botanical is a woman owned business based out of Seattle, Washington.

Hi! I’m Erica, owner of Bloom Brats Botanical. As the plant lady, I get called on for all plant and flower needs: weddings, interior design, photoshoots; You name it- I’ve designed it.

My journey with flowers began early on. I have always had a love for hiking, foraging, and identifying plants and fungi. As I developed an interest in environmental science & biology, I wrestled with my choices for the future- do I want to work in science, or do I want to be an artist? I decided to do what I thought was the most practical thing- and went to college for Plant and Fungal Biology, because that is totally not obscure and specific. I continued along with my hobbies through college, foraging, gardening, studying plants, doing art with plants, etc. I started designing a few years before Bloom Brats Botanical started up. I have worked in many areas of the plant & flower industry. Working for both small & large businesses- I have experience in: floral design, botanical design, gardening, planning, procurement, sales, and in greenhouses.

Bloom Brats Botanical was established in the beginning 2022, finally I’d found the perfect medium for my skills and knowledge. I decided to put my skills to the test to design, create, learn, and spread the joy of flowers. Most of 2022/2023 was spent designing for events & weddings, living art installations, and providing flowers for elopements.

I couldn’t give up my love for plants, so I will always be just as open to plant/biophillic designs of all varieties. I have worked with and cared for hundreds of species of plants. Like most plant ladies, I live in my own personal jungle. I can’t help but shop for fun and interesting plants. I try to push them onto everyone I know- including strangers (want some?). My emails are always open for plant advice!

Along with catering to my clients, I spend extra time free-lancing for other florists. I love the opportunity to learn from and work with highly experienced designers. Not to mention- I get to hangout with people who are a lot like me.

I am grateful in your consideration and trust in my business & I would love to work with you!

Bloom Brats Botanical is an inclusive and safe space welcoming people of all backgrounds.